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首页 > 下载中心 > ARM软件工具 > Arm DS-5 > DS-5 v5.24官方开发工具Linux 32位

DS-5 v5.24官方开发工具Linux 32位

软件大小:1.11G 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2016/6/3 14:09:10 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:13003 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Arm DS-5

What's New V5.24

This is a summary of the new features and other major changes in this release:
ARM Compiler

DS-5 Debugger

  • Substantial changes to the graphical user interface, for improved performance and usability:
    • Showing operating system threads or tasks in the Debug Control view is now optional, and is turned off by default.
    • Display of the program call stack has moved from the Debug Control view to the newStack view.
    • The Memory view no longer pre-reads more than visible on screen.
    • The Registers view is now populated with all registers by default, with new search capability and the option to create custom registers sets.
    • A new toggle button on the VariablesRegisters and Expressions views changes the format of all numerical values to hexadecimal at once.
  • Added support for reverse debugging AArch64 Linux applications.
  • Latest bug fixes and improvements for all supported debug probes (DSTREAM units require updating with firmware version 4.26.30 as shipped with this version of DS-5).
  • Added support for Cortex-A35, Cortex-A32 and Cortex-R8.
  • Initial debug support for ARMv8-M and ARMv8-R architectures.
  • Improved performance for parsing and display of CMSIS-SVD defined register sets.
  • Improved debug performance for ULINKpro and ULINKpro(D) connections
  • Use case script functionality integrated with the Scripts view.
  • Various improvements to the Platform Configuration Editor.
  • New device support for:
    • Applied Micro 883208 (X-Gene™ core)
    • Marvell 88FR101
    • Marvell 88FR111
    • ARM Fixed Virtual Platforms:
      • Base Cortex-A32
      • Base Cortex-A35
      • Base Cortex-A57/Cortex-A32
      • Base Cortex-A57/Cortex-A35
      • Versatile™ Express Cortex-R8

Full set of target platforms supported by DS-5 can be found on http://ds.arm.com/developer-resources/supported-devices/.

  • Note the following has been removed:
    • gdbserver executable. Linux application debug via gdbserver is still supported, however you must now supply your own gdbserver executable for the target (typically provided as part of the target toolchain).
    • Debugging of Android native applications or libraries is no longer supported, and corresponding target configuration database entries and resources have been removed.

ARM Streamline Performance Analyzer

  • Added Cortex-A32 support.
  • Improved template support, allowing them to work with dynamic charts and big.LITTLE systems.
  • When collecting from an energy meter, we now provide an energy chart in addition to the power, voltage, and current charts we've always provided.

Simulation models

  • Updated to Fixed Virtual Platforms 9.6 release (64-bit installation only).
  • Added new ARMv8-A Foundation Platform model (64-bit installation only).
  • Note that on 32-bit host platforms, the Versatile™ Express AEMv8-A model has been removed.

Eclipse IDE


  • Added new bare-metal startup code for Cortex-R8, named "startup_Cortex-R8".
  • Added Timer + GICv3 support to ARMv8 Fireworks examples, to demonstrate timed interrupts.
  • Added new single-core examples that run on the Foundation Platform model, named "calendar_ARMv8", "fireworks_ARMv8x1" and "startup_ARMv8x1"
  • Updated the ARMv8 bare-metal startup code "startup_Cortex-A53-A57-A72" to support Cortex-A72 in addition to the existing Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57
  • Refreshed the Streamline examples with latest streamline_annotate.c/.h and recaptured the corresponding .apc's
  • Updated RTX with support for Cortex-A5x1 and Cortex-A7x1, in addition to the existing Cortex-A9x1

The list of changes in this and previous releases can be found on http://ds.arm.com/developer-resources/ds-5-development-studio-changelog/.
The following features are deprecated and might be removed in a future release
Linaro GCC Toolchain 4.8-2014.04

32-bit host platforms

  • Support for 32-bit host platforms is deprecated and will be removed in a future DS-5 release