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首页 > 下载中心 > ARM软件工具 > Keil MDK > KEIL MDK5.29 uVision5开发工具

KEIL MDK5.29 uVision5开发工具

软件大小:835.1M 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2019/11/19 11:52:21 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:42629 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Keil MDK




What's new in MDK v5.29

Includes Arm Compiler 6.13 and MDK-Middleware 7.10.0

Improved μVision debug support

Keil MDK is the most comprehensive software development solution for Arm-based microcontrollers and includes all components that you need to create, build, and debug embedded applications.

MDK Version 5.29 contains Arm Compiler 6.13 and MDK-Middleware 7.10.0. It introduces support for the ARmv8.1-M architecture extensions and adds the latest Arm debug interface specification v6 to μVision.

New: Arm Compiler 6.13.1

A major addition is support for Armv8.1-M and the optional M-profile Vector Extension (MVE). MVE brings several unique architectural features which enable higher performance in DSP and machine learning kernels.

New MDK Middleware 7.10.0

The following changes have been made in MDK-Middleware 7.10.0:

File System Component

added ftime_set and ftime_get functions used to manage the file or directory timestamps

added status codesfsAlreadyExists and fsNotDirectory that allow more control when using fmkdir, frmdir and fchdir

added functionfversion used to retrieve the version of the FileSystem component

enhanced error reporting for File System functions used by theStandard I/O Routines (use errno to retrieve last error code)

corrected bug in frmdir when using option /S and name cache which could cause a file to become inaccessible after rename operation

Network Component

corrected possible memory corruption in CHAP authentication, when PPP interface used in client mode, and the server generates CHAP challenges of less than 16 bytes

added support for user accounts in HTTP server Digest authentication

added support for passwords stored as MD5 hash value HA1

added support for Digest access authentication in HTTP server

corrected memory issue when receiving fragmented broadcast message

corrected return code from BSD_EINVAL to BSD_ESOCK if BSD socket is not created

improved robustness in BSD sockets

corrected filtering for link-layer addressed UDP messages (datagrams with correct MAC address and invalid IP address are no longer received)

USB Component

USB Device/Host: Added thread name for all threads created by USB stack

USB Host: Corrected USBH_Device_GetController/Port/Speed/Address/VID/PID functions to work in device enumeration Initialize callbacks

The Graphics Component remained unchanged

New/Improved: uVision

The μVision debugger now supports ADI v6 (in ULINKplus, ULINKpro, and CMSIS-DAP)

Support for Armv8.1-M architecture extensions in disassembler

Auto-generated scatter files can manage multiple modules with the same name

Running the librarian during the build is skipped if all contained objects are up to date

Updates:Debug drivers and modles

The following updates are available:

ULINKpro firmware v1.59

ST-Link drivers v3.0.7.0

NULink drivers v3.01.6951

Removed support for Stellaris ICDI

Fast Models 11.8