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KEIL C251 v5.08 官方开发工具

软件大小:32.3 MB 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2012/5/4 14:37:27 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:14641 下载来源:米尔科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > keil C251

KEIL C251工具介绍

KEIL C251(即DK251)是为MCS 251系列单片机所设计的开发工具,支持所有的251系列衍生产品,方便编写和测试c代码与251汇编代码。通过DK251开发工具可轻松了解251On-chip peripherals及其他关键特性.



KEIL C251 μVision4新特征

μVision4 is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that helps you write, compile, and debug embedded programs. It encapsulates the following components:

§  Multiple Monitor - flexible window management system.

§  System Viewer - display device peripheral register information.

§  Debug Views - create and save multiple debug window layouts.

§  Multi-Project Workspace - simplify working with numerous projects.

§  Source and Disassembly Linking - the Disassembly Window and Source Windows are fully synchronized making program debugging and cursor navigation easier.

§  Memory Window Freeze - store the current Memory Window view allowing easy comparison of memory contents at different points in time.

§  Device Simulation has been updated to support many new devices such as Infineon XC88x, SiLABS C8051Fxx, Atmel SAM7/9, and Cortex-M3 MCUs from Luminary, NXP, and Toshiba.

§  Support for Hardware debug adapters added including ADI miDAS-Link, Atmel SAM-ICE, Infineon DAS, and ST-Link.

§  New Data and Instruction Trace capabilities for ARM and Cortex MCUs.

§  XML based Project Files - create, view and modify projects as easily readable XML text files.

§  Serial Window - extended to provide a basic VT-100 terminal, ASCII Mode, Mixed Mode, and Hex Mode views.

§  Watchpoints and Logic Analyzer variables are now easier to set.